The Wayside Way
All Means ALL
Wayside Schools serves every scholar – no exceptions. Our educational program provides every child with the support they need to achieve their full potential and graduate as college-ready scholars.
All Scholars.
At Wayside Schools, all educators, administrators, parents, and students are scholars. We value a growth mindset, lifelong learning, and are all engaged in the education of all scholars. All Wayside educators serve as models for lifelong learning and growth mindset.
All United.
We are stronger together. We bring all scholars and community partners together to fulfill our mission and work collaboratively to transform obstacles into opportunities.
All IB.
Our network is firmly committed to graduating ALL scholars with a prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma.
A Day in The Life
What We Offer
More Professional Development Time
Wayside Schools believes that every educator has a unique contribution to make within our network. We also offer a variety of career pathways that enable educators to evolve into leadership roles while staying connected to the classroom. We make sure that our teachers and staff have both the time and support to hone their craft and progress professionally. These development opportunities are facilitated by schedules created to encourage professional learning. Our teachers are guaranteed the following:
- Early release for students every Friday so teachers can plan and learn together
- Personal planning time every single day
- Duty-free lunch
- Year-round schedules with interim breaks to recharge and refresh throughout the year
Come Learn with Us!
As professionals, teachers need and deserve a rich array of learning opportunities that build instructional skills, broaden perspectives, and create space to forge strong collegial relationships. At Wayside, we value the “whole educator” and take seriously our responsibility to curate a range of learning topics and formats.
Here are some examples of the professional development available:
- Structured Mentoring for New Teachers
- International Baccalaureate (IB) Training for all teachers
- Evidenced-Based Professional Learning Communities (tied to just-in -time classroom supports)
- Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Training
- Universal Coaching
- Social Justice and Poverty Training
- Leadership Development for Team Leaders
Additional Benefits
In addition to more professional development time, Wayside Schools employees receive:
- Full Health/Dental/Vision
- 10 Days leave accrued per year
- Competitive Salary (21-22 teacher pay scale) (22-23 teacher pay scale)
- Bonuses for hard to fill roles
- Stipends for Certified Bilingual Educator
- See our calendar
- See more benefits
Career Pathways
The Wayside team is always honored that an educator chooses to build their career in our system. If you come to work with us, we want to make sure you find your work fulfilling and empowering. Consequently, at Wayside, every teacher becomes a leader.
Wayside Schools participates in the Teacher Incentive Allotment. Click here to learn more.
We also know that most teachers want to stay connected to the classroom. We help our teachers find the leadership path that fits their interests and aptitudes. At Wayside, you can continue expanding your impact with progressively increasing responsibility and rewards without giving up the work that brings you joy.
Professional advancement is available to all teachers—not just those who enter our administrative ranks. It is in this spirit that we offer many career pathways grounded in the work of teaching and learning. Below is a summary of the roles available to teachers as they evolve.
Educator Roles
Leading classroom teachers are eligible to follow pathways into Instructional Coach, District Specialist, School Leader, and Network Leader roles. Each of these more advanced roles brings additional compensation, training, and increased responsibility.
Wayside supports classroom teachers to move through four distinct phases of teacher development. These phases are: Reflecting, Innovating, Guiding and Leading.
Wayside provides growth opportunities for teachers to take on grade level (ES) and department chair (MS & HS) Team Leader roles.
Wayside will help teachers motivated to serve in coaching roles develop the competencies required to serve as Campus-Level Instructional Coaches.
Wayside will help teachers motivated to serve in Specialists roles to develop the competencies required to support academics across the entire network. Examples include Literacy, Math and Science Specialists.
Wayside will support and encourage Teacher Leaders, Campus-Level Instructional Coaches, and District Specialists who aspire to become principals develop into these roles.
For educators who want to extend their impact across our network of schools, Wayside creates opportunities to learn about centralized administrative and leadership roles and develop a plan to build the competencies that open the door to such positions.
Join Team Wayside
Wayside Schools is always looking for new talent to join our team. View our current job openings below, and click into them to learn more and apply for job today.